
marilyn monroe

The LOST Sweets

We're doing something different for Sweets today, guys: in honor of the LOST finale I'm including a little of everything: the good, the bad, and the hilarious. Because today, it's all good.

Most of these are made by your fellow readers who are NOT professionals, so please, no cake bashing in the comments! Just enjoy the tasty LOST geekery for what it's worth.

Oh, and if you're behind on the series, rest assured that this is a spoiler-free zone. Mostly because I'd have to be caught up on it myself to give any. :)

So, let's get started by putting our best foot forward, shall we?

Sub'd by Leslie S., & made by Jules

Toe-tally kickin' design.

Sub'd by Jessica W. & made by her friend Amy

Jessica tells me there was even an LED light in the hatch. Nifty.

Speaking of the hatch:

Sub'd by Heather A., made by her friend Melanie

Sub'd by Jen D., made by tim924

Sub'd by Keren, made by deviantART memeber 1337Jacqui

Sub'd & made by Katya

Here's an awesome groom's cake:

Sub'd by Amanda W., baker unknown

Note the numbers on the napkins. :)

Sub'd by Doris, made by A Cake To Remember

Those characters were made with melted chocolate and/or candy melts piped onto parchment paper. It's a really tricky technique, so you don't often see drawings this detailed.

In fact, Davina W. used the same technique to make the flames here on her Dharma bus:

Also made by Davina W.

The Cake Mom had a cookie contest, and her reader Travis honored LOST with these:

Look at the detail on the plane!

Made by me, for John Gjertsens's birthday. (Yes, it was carrot cake.)

Our web designer extraordinaire Aric even got in on the LOST action. Here's what he sent:

To: Jen
From: Aric
Subject: My Lost Cake

If you find it, please let me know.

:D Thanks, Aric.

Made by Samantha C. & her mom

Sub'd by Kay S., made by Captivating Cakes by Becky.

Here's a map of the Island, complete with landmarks of the various stations and important events:

Sub'd by Leslie S., made by Melanie of Cake Walk

I suggested recently on Facebook that someone try tinting cotton candy to make the smoke monster. I've since been told (by much wiser bakers than I) that any spray or colorant would make the cotton candy dissolve on contact. Drat. On the bright side, though, you can still do some cool things with cotton balls:

Nice job, Susannah T.!

As amazing as all of these are, I think this last one has to be my favorite. Check out what Laura M. made for her friend Tracy's birthday:

Sub'd and made by Laura M.

It's a LOST croquembouche!

Plus, look closely: Can you spot the carrot jockey filling in for baby Aaron?

That is SO AWESOME. Thanks, Laura.

And thanks also to everyone else who submitted their LOST creations. I'm sorry if I didn't include yours here; I had a lot to choose from, so I tried to go with the most original designs. If you haven't sent yours in yet, though, please do! I may do a follow-up post in the future.

UPDATE: Of course I didn't forget the LOST cake Ace of Cakes made! I just already posted it last year. You can see it here along with some nice detail and cast shots.

Boops: The link to Becky's cake was wrong. All fixed now.